Illumine is a space for considered thought, enlightening conversation and friendly debate about all things related to education in Australia. In this podcast, Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Ms Jacinda Euler, interviews staff at the School about current topics and trends in education.Since 1875, Brisbane Girls Grammar School has provided the educational foundation for young women to contribute confidently to their world with wisdom, imagination and integrity. Learn more: www.bggs.qld.edu.au
71 episodes
150 years: Uncovering a pioneering history
Brisbane Girls Grammar School celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. To recognise and celebrate this significant milestone, Historian, Ms Helen Penrose, has researched and created a book—to be released later this year—that will...

Sexual Consent Education in 2024—hear from the students
Three years ago, Illumine released an episode on sexual consent education which greatly resonated with not only our school, but the wider community. In this new episode of Illumine, hear from Year 12 students, Scarlett and Molly, to...

Sexual Consent Education in 2024—what’s changed?
In 2021, Chanel Contos sparked a national movement when she invited young women to share their experiences of sexual assault—resulting in mandated consent education in the Australian national curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 10, and inspiri...

Educating for good citizenship
In 2024, more than half of the world’s population will take to the election polls. With rising trends of authoritarianism against a backdrop of increasing global conflict, some commentators are predicting this could be democracy’s biggest test ...

Illumine from the Students: Latin and Roman World Study Tour
Earlier this year, a group of students and staff visited Italy, exploring places of significance in Western culture, from ancient societies through to the Renaissance … and of course, some of the nation’s gelaterias.In this episode, Prin...

Illumine Grammar Women—Anna McGahan (2005)
Few of us can say that, in our lifetime, we have fulfilled a dream we have harboured since we were seven years old. One lucky person who can make that claim is celebrated writer and Brisbane Girls Grammar School alumna, Anna McGahan (2005)....

Illumine from the Students: the Financial Literacy Club
Australia's National Financial Capability Survey 2021 has found that 94 per cent of young Australians aged 14 to 17 feel it is important to learn how to manage their money, but only 42 per cent felt confident to do so. A few of our ...
Season 4
Episode 6

Historical Artefacts: should they be repatriated?
Should artefacts currently in museums be returned to their country of origin? In recent years, the debate has been gathering momentum, kick-started again in 2022 in light of the death of Queen Elizabeth. Reconciling the actions of ...

Illumine Grammar Women—Professor Rosalind Crone and Anna Whip
It's no secret that true crime podcasts are hugely popular, but why do we find historical murders so interesting? In this episode of Illumine—Grammar Women, host and Principal of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Ms Jacinda Eu...
Season 4
Episode 8

Illumine from the Students: Studying Creative Arts in Years 11 and 12
Choosing subjects for Years 11 and 12 can be a challenge for many students, as they balance subjects they are passionate about with the need to fill prerequisites for certain tertiary degrees. Although at BGGS we value the Creative...
Season 4
Episode 7

The magic of formative assessment with Professor Dylan Wiliam
What makes an excellent teacher? According to acclaimed educational researcher, Professor Dylan Wiliam, it’s about regularly checking for student understanding.Professor Wiliam is passionate about the practice of formative assessment...
Season 4
Episode 6

From the Students: Space Camp
Have you ever wanted to be an astronaut? Here at Girls Grammar, one of our most popular and longest-running international programs is Space Camp, where students get the chance to take one step closer to that dream.In this e...
Season 4
Episode 6

Censorship of Books, Art and Music
In early 2023, social media furore erupted after publisher, Puffin, employed sensitivity editors to rewrite parts of Roald Dahl's books deemed offensive.Throughout history, artists, authors and musicians have been censored by vari...
Season 4
Episode 5

The path to reconciliation with Professor Adam Shoemaker
In recognition of NAIDOC Week 2023, Illumine shares Part 2 of Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, in discussion with Professor Adam Shoemaker, Vice Chancellor of Victoria University.Much of Professor Shoemaker’s past three decade...
Season 4
Episode 4

From the Students: Educate and Empower—shining a light on what’s not discussed in class
In the critical developmental years of secondary school, students need safe spaces to explore and debate the important issues affecting their lives, identity, and understanding of the world. In this episode, Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, s...
Season 4
Episode 5

The infinite benefits of international study
With so many exceptional tertiary options available in Australia, it’s no wonder the idea of international study may not always be top of mind. However, the benefits of studying overseas—for your whole degree or only for a semester or two—are e...
Season 4
Episode 3

Illumine from the Students: celebrating our bodies
Year after year, research shows that young Australians rate body image as an important concern. So, how do our students feel about their bodies, and what are they doing to promote body acceptance?In this episode of Illumine from the ...
Season 4
Episode 4

Illumine for Parents: Steps toward reconciliation
‘In this country we have the oldest continuing civilisation in the world, and that’s something really unique that I think we should celebrate… that’s the one thing that is truly Australian.’ —Ms Sophie Mynott, BGGS Deputy Principal (Co-curricul...
Season 5
Episode 2

From the Students: Social Media and Gen Alpha
Do you remember the world without screens?Our younger secondary school students are part of ‘Generation Alpha’—completely digital natives who have been around smartphones and devices for their entire lives. Emerging research ...
Season 4
Episode 4

Illumine for Parents: Homework—how to help without hindering
Homework, or 'home learning' as we call it at Brisbane Girls Grammar School, can be a hot topic for families. While many students comfortably complete their allocated work each night, some find they struggle with quantity, or understanding what...
Season 5
Episode 2

From the Students: My future in an AI world
The world is abuzz about ChatGPT and the potential of artificial intelligence. But what do our young people think of the tools that are predicted to run their future?In this episode of Illumine From the Students, &nbs...
Season 4
Episode 3

Helping Women Experiencing Homelessness
The number of Australians, and in particular, Australian women, experiencing homelessness has never been higher and it’s a crisis that shows no sign of slowing. As a nation, we have never been more reliant on non-profits and charitable or...
Season 4
Episode 2

Educators, ChatGPT and the world of AI
ChatGPT remains in the headlines around the world for its ability to answer seemingly anything.Educators around the world are grappling with how to manage ChatGPT, with many schools restricting access to the platform. Is this option sus...
Season 4
Episode 2

Illumine for Parents: the intrinsic beauty of Creative Arts education
To experience the arts can be inspiring and life-affirming, and yet many parents and society at large struggle to connect their relevance to our modern lives. In this episode of Illumine for Parents, Principal of Br...
Season 5
Episode 1

Beyond the ATAR - reflections on the future of higher education
Despite research that indicates that Generation Z will have multiple careers in their lifetime, students still feel that their ATAR score is a defining moment. But it can take years, reflection and a range of experiences before individuals find...
Season 4
Episode 1